Welcome to LIFT!

Long Island Families Together (LIFT) is a parent-governed, youth-guided, 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. LIFT was created to raise awareness about children's mental health services on Long Island, and across New York State. Thanks to the efforts of many family members and professionals, LIFT is able to bring about positive changes to the lives of the families and youth we serve in our communities. Our website provides ways for you to learn more about LIFT and get involved. With your help, we can continue to make a difference. Thanks for visiting us. Your support is greatly appreciated.

When is the last time somebody asked how you are? When is the last time you took time for yourself? Caring for a loved one is often an exhausting and thankless job. Whether you are nursing aging parents, supporting a child suffering from mental illness, addiction, or both, it’s essential that you take care of yourself, in order to be able to effectively help them.
I am offering a platform for you to vent, ask questions, share your story and find support from others who share similar circumstances. This is an opportunity for all of us to learn from each other. A virtual sounding board and valuable resource. A judgment-free zone to share your thoughts and discuss your frustrations. It’s also a place to gain knowledge and empower you to share your insight with others and benefit from their experiences.

With just a month left of summer, it’s time to take advantage of all it has to offer. Check out these fun ideas to celebrate the end of the sunshine season!

If you have something or some time to give, consider doing so today. Here’s a list of easy ways you can give something away today.